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Location: Atlanta, Maine, United States

I am hosting reviewer. I post articles about hosting companies. I have tried too many hosting companies then i wrote the reviews.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Everything about web hosting providers

web hosting providers Items For Viewing

Well, my first official review. In this review I will be covering a brief
outline of the hosting website, hostican.

I�ll start things off by simply saying, �wow.� In these first few days, I could
not be more pleased. I switched from using the hosting company
Let me confidently say that I made the right switch.

First things first, service. I had to call HostMonster about 2 times initially
when I joined them. What a pain! There was a line every time I needed to talk to
a representative, and I�ll add that their �Hold� music is just plain awful. When
I switched to hostican, I called them up, bam, talking with a person
immediately. No waits, no ear-ripping music, nothing except good �ol people to
talk to. Not to mention their demeanor and manners. I must say, my experience
with their service has up to this point been absolutely seamless.

Now lets move on to hosting. The best thing about their hosting, in my eyes, is
the simplicity of their two different plans. They are both relatively
inexpensive, come loaded with lots of useful features, and have some great
resources available. The base plan comes with 200GB of disk space, 2 domain
names, one FREE domain, 2,500GB of monthly bandwidth, along with being
e-commerce enabled. Impressive. Remember, that is just the basic plan, only
$6.95 per month.

Now I will admit I haven�t had a whole lot of time to mess around with the
control panel, however they do offer a demo control panel for anyone interested
in looking at that, just go to their site. Now there was one feature that
ultimately switched me to hostican - Wordpress. I�m sure there are lots of other
dedicated hosts that offer wordpress, but hostican made it so simple, it was
absolutely unbelievable. You just go onto control panel, click install
wordpress, and bam, there you go. Dont forget that hostican also provides tons
of free video tutorials on everything from setting up email addresses to
managing files in control panel. I however will only be using the WordPress
features, so the rest of the control panel is up to you to test.

The last thing I will write about for now that really grabbed my attention was
their affiliate program. It is quite amazing I must say. It�s free to setup, you
dont even have to have a domain hosted with them to make an account. Basically,
they pay you �X� amount of dollars per person that signs up using your unique
link. The rates are $70 for the first 4 people you get and $90 for everyone
after that (This resets every month). Also, you can get higher rates if you are
able to refer over 10 people every month. Talk about big money! I signed up for
this right away, and I have their advertisement in my top header that goes to my
unique link. If you sign up under that, you help me and you dont have to pay
extra fees, hidden fees, nothing like that. So if you are in need of a host and
are in a giving mood, feel free to click that Ad up in the top header for

Well, thats my very simple and basic review. My overall impressions of hostican
are perfect. Up till now things have been smooth, simple, easy, fast,
everything. I would definitely recommend their services to you, and remember,
click my affiliate link to help me out! Overall 10/10, excellent hosting

Click Here to go to hostican website.

We hope that what we have stated here on web hosting providers is indeed inspiring to you, the reader. With this inspiration, learn even more about web hosting providers.

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